Archivado en Comunicados, Negociacion Colectiva, Salario
2008 Salary Agreement Signed for Citigroup BSSC (ENGLISH)
The average effective increase is close to 6%
Management of BSSC and workers representatives, along with the usual dynamics since 2000, has reached an agreement for the revision of salaries applicables in 2008 to employees of BSSC. You can found detailed information here.
This year (as in 2004) has been reached with the Collective Agreement(Oficinas y Despachos de Catalunya) expired (it was applicable from 2004 to 2007) and pending the negotiation of the new. Therefore, the Official table that served to the parties to guide previous agreements is not available. We have waited news of progress of negotiations for new agreement, but the expectation is that there is nothing before the summer and both sides decided to take the initiative and continue with the usual dynamics of salary review in March.
Salary increases for Rating Performance Points to consider
ü The increase will be full paid into Complemento Personal concept.
ü Percentage improving on 2007 gross annual salary.
ü When the Collective Agreement was signed, amounts will be distributed between Salario Base and Complemento Personal.
ü Salary changes will be effective with effects from January 1st. You will receive payment in arrears for this concept (Atrasos).
Review of special work schedule 2008 Concept Amount 2008 Public Holidays 203 Nursery Check 117 Saturdays x 8 hours 140 Saturdays x 5,5 hours 96 Points to consider
ü Amounts applicable to all departments.
ü Payment in arrears not applicable.
ü Saturday if it was extension of the working week.
ü Saturday: first appliying since on April 5 ü Public Holidays: first applying on March 21
ü Nursery Check, net amount
ü Nursery in Payroll, gross amount.
Clossing comments for this item, with this distribution, 93% of rated employees will has increases of 5.5% or higher, with a collective average increase of 5.98%.
Calendario Laboral 2025. Publicado en el BOE
Alcanzado Preacuerdo para la firma del del XIX Convenio TIC
Modelo de carta de Baja Voluntaria en la empresa
Un modelo turístico más sostenible y que garantice derechos, es imprescindible
Convenio Colectivo Estatal de Acción e Intervención Social
Se publica en el BOE el XVIII Convenio de Consultoría y comienza, con ello, a ser de aplicación